According to present codes, the suggestion value of reduction coefficient is put forward. 根据规范提供的方法进行反算,得出了实际折减系数的建议值。
Ultimate Strength of I-Girders Under Eccentric Patch Loading: Derivation of a New Strength Reduction Coefficient 小偏心荷载作用下I形截面梁极限强度:推导新强度换算系数
The strength reduction coefficient before a well-defined equivalent plastic shear strain ( EPSS) running through from the bottom to the top of a slope is considered as its safety factor. 采用边坡某一幅值的等效塑性剪应变区,从坡脚到坡顶贯通前的折减系数作为边坡安全系数。
The effective analysis could be able to achieve towards ground surface settlement using plane calculation module with simple stress release, but homogeneous continuous structure which consider uniform reduction coefficient was not fit for structure inner force's calculation. 采用简单的应力释放的平面计算模式可以实现对地表沉降的有效分析,但考虑统一折减系数的均质连续结构不太适合于结构内力的计算。
Based on the comprehensive statistical analysis of inelastic displacement ratios, the regression equations of μ-R-T about the strength reduction coefficient and inelastic displacement ratios are obtained. 通过对理想双线性体系的均值弹塑性位移比与强度折减系数进行了统计分析与数值拟合,建立了两大类场地土(硬土、软土)下的μ-R-T回归公式。
The result indicates that the board has excellent absorbing properties. Noise Reduction Coefficient is around 0.80~ 1.10. 结果表明,该板具有优异的吸声性能,降噪系数约为0.80 ̄1.10。
The influences of the relaxation time, the injection rate, the permeability reduction coefficient, the consistency coefficient and the power-law exponent of the injected fluid on pressure performance are analyzed. 分析了松弛时间、注入量、渗透率下降因数、注入液稠度系数以及幂律指数等参数对压力动态的影响。
By comparing with the in situ test data of the simple piles and the inter pile soil, this paper analyzes the reduction coefficient and the influence factor for the bearing capacity of each type of pile and the inter pile soil. 通过与邻近的桩间土及单桩静载试验结果进行对比,对混合桩型复合地基中各类桩及桩间土的承载力折减系数及其影响因素进行了分析。
It is important to change harder materials of the constrained layers and softer materials of damping layers, which can obviously improve the vibration reduction coefficient of the structure. 变化夹层的材料,采用较硬的约束层和较软的阻尼层可显著提高组合结构的抑振量。
To assess a sunscreen, absorption spectrum, reduction coefficient, ability of UVB-and UVA-protection should be considered. 评价防晒霜要从其吸收光谱,衰减系数,中波紫外线防护功能以及长波紫外线防护功能等方面进行考虑。
Based on the present study results of evaluating liquefaction potential of tailings dam, a method considering the effect of amplification coefficient and reduction coefficient at different distances and different stiffness is presented to calculate the dynamic shear stress. 在现有尾矿坝液化判别研究成果的基础上,提出利用尾矿坝在不同深度和不同沉积滩距离处的放大系数和折减系数来计算动剪应力的方法。
This thises study the intensity stability of cemented sand gravel dam by adoption strength reduction coefficient method and ansys parameter design language. 本文应用强度折减有限元方法对胶结砂砾石坝的强度问题和稳定问题进行了探讨。
The reduction coefficient of external hydraulic pressure is an important factor, which influence on internal force of lining and plastic zone of surrounding rock. 外水压力折减系数是影响衬砌内力和围岩塑性区的重要因素。
A measurement method of the cross-sectional reduction coefficient of Zr-4 tubes Zr-4管截面收缩系数的测量方法
The sampling method about content soil unconfined compressive strength, pile body reduction coefficient, pile flank friction force, and pile terminal nature bearing capacity reduction coefficient about design of content sprinkle stake is suggested by standard and construction experience. 根据规范与施工经验,对水泥粉喷桩设计中的水泥土无侧限抗压强度、桩身强度折减系数、桩侧摩擦力和桩端天然承载力折减系数的取值,提出了具体的方法。
With the calculation results, the author analyzes the changing tendency of cross section stiffness reduction coefficient under different pre stressing forces, and works out the curve and calculating formulas for the inter relation between dropping coefficient of stiffness and prestress degree. 根据计算的结果,分析了预应力塔筒截面刚度降低系数随预应力度的变化趋势,并拟合出刚度降低系数与预应力度之间的关系曲线和计算公式。
According to the determined strength reduction coefficient γ of high strength steel and test results, the proper coefficient β of stiffness and bearing capacity formulae of the members are given. 在确定高强钢材强度折减系数γ的基础上,根据试验结果确定出各组试件合适的搭接段刚度系数β和承载力计算公式。
The theoretical calculation results are approved by actual test, and more accurate temperature stress reduction coefficient is gained. 通过与现场测试结果对比,得到了更精确的季节温差应力折减系数。
The Determination of Reduction Coefficient of Foundation Bearing Capacity by Looking up Table underestimate the load bearing capacity. 倾斜荷载作用下无粘性土查表法验算地基承载力折减系数的确定提出的公式低估了钢管高强混凝土的承载能力;
A equivalent reduction coefficient is suggested to consider the decaying effects of prestress strands after strengthening, and the proper value is estimated through theoretic deduction and parameter analysis. 提出以FRP片材等效折减系数来考虑PC受弯构件加固后极限状态预应力钢筋效能降低的影响,并结合理论推导和参数分析讨论了系数的取值方法。
By compare the apical displacement value and stress distribution under different stiffness reduction coefficient, selecting a reasonable stiffness reduction coefficient and making the achieved result consistent to result derived from standard of chimney design and energy method. 通过比较不同刚度折减系数下的顶点位移值与应力分布情况,选择与烟囱设计规范和能量法结果相一致的刚度折减系数。
The fire resistance reduction coefficient of columns decreases with the increase of damage length. Reduction coefficient, however, decreases very slowly. 柱耐火极限折减系数随破损长度的增大而下降,但当达到一定长度后,折减系数下降很慢。
The experiment results showed that when X-ray television system based on this method is regulated noise reduction coefficient, the effects of noise reduction, as well as movement of the tail of the image did not generate the feeling of transition. 实验结果表明,采用本方法实现的X线电视系统,在降噪系数调节时,图像的降噪效果以及运动拖尾的变化都没有跳变的感觉。
If the pipeline layout, plumbing materials, the diameter of pipeline and the work pressure head of the hose fixed, the total flow of discharging along the porous hose can be got by corresponding flow multiplied by a flux reduction coefficient of free flow without porous hose. 如果管道布置、管道材料、管道直径和作用水头一定,则沿程多孔泄流管道的总出流量可以用不接多孔软管所对应的自由出流管道的出流量乘一个流量折减系数得到。
According to the formula about the test data fitting the porous flux reduction coefficient, the formulas about total volume of porous hose and flow to the average single-hole are established. 根据试验数据拟合了多孔管流量折减系数的计算式,建立了多孔软管的总出流量和平均单孔出流量计算公式。
The formula for stiffness calculation was presented by reduction coefficient method, which indicated a good agreement between theoretical values and experimental results. 利用刚度折减系数法推导了HPFL加固混凝土梁疲劳刚度的计算式,计算值与试验结果吻合较好。
By comparison, the reasonable value of chimney stiffness reduction coefficient can be achieved. 通过比较,得出考虑烟囱结构刚度折减系数的合理值。